Friday, March 5, 2010

Good friends...

...good times!

Our friends Elizabeth and Chris are our very bestest friends! I've known Elizabeth since I was about 10 yrs old. I think she was 8. I was a total tomboy and she was a girly-girl. We couldn't have been more opposite, but yet we were still good friends. I thought she was a total sweetheart, even if she ratted me out every chance she got. I'm sure I deserved it though. I know I wasn't always that nice to her. I think I roughed her up a few times, so I certainly deserved to get tattled on. LOL. We actually lost touch during those tumultuous teen years, but we were always in each others thoughts.

Fortunately, we reconnected about four years ago and we've been inseperable ever since. Before our daughters were born, the four of us spent so many awesome nights hanging out, BBQing, drinking, playing Apples to Apples, and kicking plastic flamingos off the front lawn, haha!! We had our occasional "girls night" sleep over (yes, sleepovers at 27...haha), and even took a fun trip out to Vegas one weekend, just the two of us. We had a blast!

I think the best time was when we all took a camping trip out to Los Padres. Man, that was a good time and a VERY memorable one (wink wink). I think Liz and Chris are the only ones that know why this trip was so memorable for Kevin and I. =)

In June of 2007, I found out I was pregnant with Dakota. Liz was the second person I told and she was so excited for me. We had both talked about having kids one day and hoped that they would be close in age. Fast forward a year and Liz called me up with the news that she was pregnant! Dakota was only a couple months old, so I was ecstatic to receive the news that Dakota's future BFF, Katie, was on the way!!

Dakota & Katie are so sweet together. They love each others company and they're at the age where they actually play together. It has been so much fun to watch them over the past year, and I can't wait to see all that the future has in store for us. If they're anything like us, they're gonna be wreaking all sorts of havoc.

A few weekends ago, Liz, Chris and Katie came over for some good times! We BBQ'd on Saturday night, watched the girls play together, sent them to bed, then enjoyed the night playing charades. Oh man, did we have some good laughs. Let's put it this way, Kevin acting out contractions will forever be burned into our memory!!! Sunday was just as fun. We spent the day hiking a local trail, and hanging out at the train station. Dakota even helped Katie to walk. It was so much fun!
Here are some photos from that weekend....

Taking an afternoon walk...

It was such a beautiful day!
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Hanging out at the train station....

Is she not the sweetest thing ever?! Katie-bug, we love you!
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Waitin' for the choo-choos!!!
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This was so sweet. Dakota took Katie's hand to help her walk...


Nichole said...

How sweet is that? I love that they are so close in age... you all must be on cloud 9 to have reconnected AND have kids in close age <3