Monday, August 24, 2009

Take a hike...

At least, that's what we try to do a couple times a week. Although, it has been pretty darn hot lately, so we haven't been going as often. The other day, we decided to try a new trail just over the hill. I had never been, but apparently Kevin had been there a time or two back in the day. Causing mischief of course!

It was an awesome walk and we got to see LOTS of cows, rabbits and hawks. We also saw 3 tarantulas and 2 rattle snakes. I couldn't believe we ran into all those things on a 2 hour hike. Kevin couldn't help himself, and poked the tarantulas. I was about 1/2 way up a tree while he did since spiders creep me out. Dakota on the other hand pointed and giggled. At what age do kids begin to hate spiders? I guess there is no set age, it justs sets in when they see how other's react. And since Dakota has me to show her how to react when she sees one......RUN, SCREAM, FLAIL, she'll figure it out in no time. HAHA

Anyway, it was a great walk. We'll definitely be hittin' these hills again soon...

Dakota loved this structure!

Watching the cows graze on the hillside...

A few bulls. We decided it wouldn't be wise to walk by them...

One word...DISGUSTING!!

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the two rattlesnakes we came across. I was too busy running in the opposite direction! I swear I don't do this when I'm working. LOL. Actually, I've thought about bringing my gun with us on walks, but I would probably end up shooting a spider as it ran towards me.


Nichole said...

LMAO!!! You encounter a spider and you freak... yet you work with crazies that are capable of snapping at any moment. *shakes head*