Saturday, September 12, 2009

Children's Museum...


So, Dakota and I decided to visit the Children's museum once again! She just loves this place, and since it will soon be closed for a month or so due to their annual renovation, we decided to make an appearance before they closed up shop.

Unfortunately, the carousel was closed, which made for a very unhappy little girl. I still let her sit on it, which I found to be a horrible idea. Uh, DUH MOM!! As soon as I was able to redirect her attention to the other fun exhibits, she was back to her happy self.

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She really enjoyed the super market display, since she could load up her very own cart and make a mad dash for the door without paying. Hey, what do you expect when there's no cashier or self-checkout? Haha! We also made our way to the stuffed animals, train exhibit, and go-carts.


Riding the choo-choo...
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She loved the race-cars, just not a big fan of the
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Visiting the "stuffed" animals...

She loved the horsie!!
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Pay no attention to the inpatient little girl to the right, haha...


Bradshaw's Buzz said...

looks like a great time. <3 the hat!! We need to take Austin to ours but wanted to wait until the fall when he's more mobile (active, climbing, etc). Hopefully the next month or so we can!