Saturday, January 23, 2010

Home away from home...

Thanks to good ole Craigslist, this is Dakota's new crib (figuratively speaking)...

Photobucket Photobucket

Ya, it might be five years old and slightly faded, but it was 1/2 the price of a new one. I really didn't want a brand new playhouse for two reasons. One, I didn't want to shell out that much money. Two, it's gonna get ridiculously faded in our backyard and I'll be less depressed when this one does, simply because I didn't fork out mad cash for it.

I got really lucky finding this one on Craigslist. It has always been kept in the shade, which is why it still looks great. Now we just gotta wait for the concrete to be poured so we can assemble it. We got the green light through our association, now we just have to wait for the weather to cooperate!


Bradshaw's Buzz said...

Before I comment on this post I want to say I love your new blog header with the scrapblog pics.

Now onto this post LOL I love her new 'crib' :) She's going to <3 it! Austin loves his and although it's been out in the sun for Years (!!) it's still perfect. Wow - concrete huh?! That's major. You are getting a video of her facial expression when she sees this right. That's where she's going to go when she wants to sleep outside

Heather said...

Ya, we've been wanting to do something with the backyard ever since we moved in. Now that Dakota is an active toddler, it's finally time to get a move on it. I want her to have her own little area that's away from the street (aka front yard). We got the green light from our association, we're just waiting for the rain to stop.
I'll have to post before and after pictures. It looks pitiful right now.

Bradshaw's Buzz said...

RAIN STOP!!! The Keyworths need to build a foundation okay?! LOL

Nichole said...

Love it! Boo said she is bookin' a flight tomorrow, to come check out Dakota's new crib. Daddy's wallet may be saying something totally differently though!

The Kuhns said...

The playhouse looks awesome, im still jealous you found one and I havent given up yet. Dakota is going to love it! Why do you have to poor concrete? Cant you just put it in the grass, or am I missing something? LOL

Heather said...

Ya we technically can, and believe me, we've explored all options (real grass with sprinklers, fake grass, plastic mulch, pavers, and of course the concrete). It's a relatively small area, and all options are pretty close in cost. Some being WAY more than others (fake grass). Honestly, it's the labor that costs the most. The materials aren't all that much.
We went back and forth with grass and concrete. The pros on grass: it's soft, and relatively cheap to put it. The cons: sprinkler system whichh means more $$$, mowing it and weeds. The concrete is a little more expensive but the pros for us are that there is no upkeep and when we go to sell the place in the future, most people looking to buy a townhome are going to look for a low maintenance yard. Again, it's not very big. I'll try to find the pictures that I took several months ago when we got rid of a lot of the excess dirt back there.
So there you have it. That's why we pretty much decided to go with concrete. lol.

Bradshaw's Buzz said...

How big (small) is your 'backyard'?

Summer said...

I can hardly wait to see the pics you get when you unveil this one!! Now with a crib that cool, she's going to need a mailbox, and a housewarming party.