Thursday, April 30, 2009

Furry Feline Friend...

This is what we found on our front porch this morning...
As many of you all know, I have a total soft spot for kitties! I picked Dakota up to show her the super cute kitty-kat through the window and she went into hysterics!! She was pounding on the window screaming "ooowww ooowww." For those of you who don't speak baby, that translates into "Meow." As we were standing there watching the kitty on our porch, I couldn't help but notice how scrawny and malnourished the poor guy looked. Just as suspected, my soft spot got the best of me and I immediately went to our cabinet to see what I could feed him. The only thing I could find was a can of tuna, which of course is every cats dream! I threw the chunky tuna on a paper plate and headed outside only to find that the kitty had disappeared. I walked around and found him under my car. I could tell he was watching me, so I put the plate of tuna on our porch and walked away. That cat darted over to the yummy feast in a blurry flash, which made me feel good because I could tell he was starving!

Once he finished with his food, he just kinda hung out by our front door. I walked outside to find that he wasn't the least bit scared. Something tells me this was once someone's pet. Ferrel cats aren't as friendly as this little guy. I plan on listing him as 'found' on Craiglist, as well as the Penny Saver. Hopefully someone will be looking for him. Anyway, that's my good deed for the day, if you wanna call it that. I know it made Dakota's day!


Heather said...
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Heather said...

FINALLY, my comments are working...YAY!