Friday, May 1, 2009

Childrens' Museum...

Today, Dakota and I took a trip down to the La Habra Childrens' Museum. I hadn't been since I was a little kid, so for the most part it was a new experience for mommy too!! Like most things, Dakota had an unbelievably fabulous time. It started the moment I got her out of the car and she spotted the BIG train cars. Oh yea, she knows what they are! I make it a point to stop at the famous Cajon Pass whenever we travel back from Las Vegas or Laughlin. Dakota gets a huge kick out of the thunderous roar that is so unique to freight trains. The loud horn and wave from the train engineer is what sends Dakota into squirms and wiggles, accompanied by squeals of excitement. I get enjoyment out of it too, since it's sort of a tribute to my late grandfather who actually worked for the railroad. Anyway, here's Dakota enjoying the site of the giant freight cars:

Dakota loved running along side the train cars

But it didn't compare to climbing up to it...

....and trying to get in!

After Dakota had enough with the trains, we ventured our way towards the museum. Along the way, Dakota found some dinosaur tracks. As soon as I told her what they were, she gave out a "Raaawwrrr," which is one of her favorite things to say now. Of course, my luck, she found one footprint with water in it. She walked over to it, stepped down, and started stomping like a mad woman. Her pants were soaked within minutes, but hey, you gotta let them be little!!

I finally coaxed her away from the massive paw prints and water so that we could head on inside and enjoy what we originally came to do. I don't think I was 1/2 way done paying for the tickets when I heard Dakota shreeking beside me. I looked down to see her pointing at something I had yet to see. Can you believe this museum had a carousel. I knew instantly that it would be the only thing she'd care about during our visit. Of course I was right. Here she is enjoying one of her favorite things...

After the carousel ride, Dakota found a cool display of fruits and veggies, as well as shopping carts to load up her loot. Hmmm, so now I have a toy that teaches my daughter to wash dishes, and a musuem that teaches her how to shop for groceries. YESSS!!!! I have to say, she caught onto this a lot faster than she did with the dish washing.

I think the funniest thing I saw during our visit at the museum, was Dakota climbing aboard the transit bus exhibit and sitting in the drivers seat. She is so silly!

As for the rest of our visit at the museum, here are some other cute pictures depicting her favorite exhibits...

The Anatomy of a Stuffed Animal...haha!

Row, Row, Row Dakota's boat...

Is this even an exhibit? No joke, Dakota paced this 30+ times...

Should I be concerned that she's not the least bit scared of animals that look vicious? At least she has them smell her first. LOL!!


Bradshaw's Buzz said...

You all have the coolest lil kids places to visit!! How neat is this place. We have a Children's museum that I can't wait to take Austin, esp now that he's more stable at walking. You've made me all excited thinking about it!!!