Sunday, July 12, 2009

Montana...Day 7

A double RAINBOW seen from the deck...

Today, the three of us decided to take a trip out to the Yaak, which is famous for it's beauty. What's new, right? Everything is "supposedly" beautiful up here. Well, the drive through the Yaak was great and it was very pretty! We made a stop at a place called the Dirty Shame Saloon, which we had been to before during a prior visit. But, it was Dakota's first time!!

Once inside, we met a wonderful family that had a little girl the same age as Dakota. They were fast friends and had a great time giving each other hugs, playing the piano, and a shootin' some pool.

The owner wanted us to pose with their doggy...

They were SOOOO sweet sitting there together!

Rockin' it!!

Billiards - toddler style!

The next set of pictures were taken across the street from the Dirty Shame. It's amazing to see how small and calm the Yaak River is right there because you'll see how big and roaring it gets...

Daddy and Dakota relaxing before we head back...

We made all the scenic stops on the drive back, since our tummies were rumbling on the drive in. We drove over this neat bridge and parked the car on the side of the road so we could get a good look at the river from above. As you can see, the river has gotten a lot larger, and picked up a bit more current.

Dakota was not happy that we left the last spot, since she wasn't through taking it all in. It wasn't long before we turned that frown upside down. We stopped at the Yaak River Falls, which was an awesome sight. This is where the river was roaring...

After our visit to the Yaak, we made our way back through Troy and decided to stop and browse through some gift shops. Daddy bought a sweatshirt, Dakota got a cute Montana keychain, and Mommy of course bought some Huckleberry candy. I just couldn't get enough of the stuff.

We then headed across the street to the visitor center. We let Dakota climb all over the caboose, which she seemed to think was the coolest thing ever...

Being her sassy self...

A little stream in town. Thought it was pretty!!

A SUPER cool tractor that Dakota loved sitting on...

These next photos were just taken in Grandma and Grandpa's front yard, but I thought they were just too cute not to include...

Last but not least, some good ole fashion Montana fun. LMAO!!!!