I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! I don't think one post could possibly sum it all up, but here are a few things that I am MOST thankful for:
-I am so VERY thankful for my amazing daughter. She is beautiful, smart, funny, and healthy. What more could I ask for? I am blessed to have her in my life and I just couldn't imagine my life without her. I am also thankful for all the things Dakota has taught me in her short 21 months of life; things that I seemed to have forgotten and started to take for granted. She has taught me the importance of patience, understanding, and sincerity, as well as to always keep an open mind, to live spontaneously, and when things go awry, to laugh and move on! Who knew someone so small could change my life for the better, and turn me into a much improved person. Because of her, I am a better person!
-I am thankful for the love of my life, my bestfriend, and the best Daddy to my little girl. I am so lucky to have found such a wonderful, caring man that loves, supports, and encourages me the way he does. He is sensitive, witty, hard-working and warm-hearted. We have gone through our share of ups and downs, but that has only made our relationship stronger. The challenges we have faced together have made us appreciate the good times and value each other that much more.
-I am thankful for my Dad! He has always been my rock. He's the one that knows how to lift me up with the chips are down, encourage me when I've started to lose hope, advise me on tough decisions and love me unconditionally.
-And, I am thankful for my Mom, my brother, and the rest of my family, as well as my in-laws, and wonderful friends. I am SO incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful support system that is always there for me. It's hard to find people that will actually be there when you truly need them, and lately I have found that most of these people live up to their words.
There are soooo many other things that I am so very thankful for, but I want to keep this post relatively short. Ok, who am I kidding, that's impossible for me! Haha
Anyway, our Thanksgiving was great! We didn't really plan on doing much, since my side of the family went out of town for the holiday. Gee thanks guys! So, earlier this week we decided to spend the day with Kevin's mom and grandma. I admit, we took the stress free route and ordered take-out for our Thanksgiving feast. Yes, we picked up our dinner from Marie Callenders. When I woke up this morning, I felt slightly embarrassed and ashamed for not taking on Thanksgiving the traditional way. But all those feelings went away after we scarfed down all the yumminess and found ourselves with loads of leftovers and minimal cleanup!!! Sheesh, we should do this every year! Hehe.
Enjoying her olives...
Her first taste of sparkling apple cider. Gotta love her enthusiasm! lol
Oh, and I must share these next several photos of Dakota with olives on her fingers. I fully realize that some might think it's a little weird, but this is like a rite of passage in our family. Yep, most of the Hampton family have the famous olive-on-the-finger picture, so it was just a matter of time that we would carry out this ceremonial tradition with Dakota...
As you can see, she loved the olives on her fingers. She was quick to learn how to put them on her fingers too. Unfortunately, this was pretty much the only thing she ate all day. I had such high hopes that she would eat well today too. Oh well, we have plenty of leftovers.
The day was so much fun and it was totally relaxing. Dakota thoroughly enjoyed having her Grandma and Granny over to play with, and that was evident when she went down for a three hour nap. They wore her OUT!!!
Oh, and we also made some Thanksgiving crafts the other day. Here's a little something we made for Grandpa Keyworth and Grandma Kathy....
~Shhhhh! They haven't received it in the mail yet.~
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