Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Portraits...


I'm sure most of you who follow me on Facebook have already seen these pictures, but I thought I would share them on our blog for those who don't. I just love how these came out, especially since I didn't have high expectations going into this photo shoot. Dakota is a mover, and isn't always fond of someone else taking pictures of her. So, needless to say, the odds were stacked against me. But my mindset was, "Expect the worst, hope for the best." Lo and behold, I was pleasantly surprised with surprisingly pleasant pictures...hehe.

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I just love her Christmas dress, and I know Dakota does too. Everytime I put it on her, she dances and twirls around. I found it at Nordstroms Rack for an insanely good price. Yay for great deals!!


And here are last years pictures. I can't believe how chubby she looks in a few of these photos. And here I was worried that she was underweight (thanks to her doctors). I love these pictures so much because she was such a happy little fuzzhead..


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Nichole said...

I love me some Dakota... chubby or skinny!